Sunday, April 27, 2014


In addition to the Sarracenia, we love succulents! In particular, succulents that mimic rocks and stones – aka the Aiozaceae. Lithops, a genus of succulents from South Africa, are the epitome of biological mimicry because the mimic pebbles so perfectly. We have a small collection of them, most of which are unidentified except for a L. optica var. rubra that I was very kindly gifted by someone in the AUSCPS in Sydney (they are due a very fine Sarracenia flava in exchange very shortly!).

Other succulents we like are Haworthia, Faucaria (succulents that look like VFTs), Gasteria (crazy that they are Xanthorreaceae – the same family as grass trees in Australia) and Pleiospilos (although we don’t have any at the moment). I also tried Titanopsis calcaria once, but lost it due to ignorance of how to grow them. Maybe next time…

On the CP front –  major change in my CP growing strategy coming up tomorrow! Stay tuned…